Technologies for the 99% : 3 lessons from our event in NYC

3 min readOct 8, 2017


“Why do we design technology ? This is the fundamental question to be asked.” Pr. Yunus

The latest innovations in computer and data science have caused a drastic rethinking: we are now mastering technologies that have exponential impact i.e. that allow solutions to be scaled and thus disseminated. Think about AI, IoT & data-crunching, crypto-currency & Blockchain infrastructures: they enable social-entrepreneurs to scale their product at a pace that was totally unthinkable 5 years ago.

During the United Nations General Assembly Week in NYC, MakeSense gathered some of the most innovative technologists, activist & corporates. Aligned with the MakeSense philosophy, every attendee had the opportunity to present his project, get feedback and immediate input from the crowd.

Here are three key insights that definitely want you to discover more — watch the event again .

A special thanks to the SAP N3xt-Gen team for hosting us.

#1 — “Technology alone will not achieve the Global-Goals, it needs Social-Business !”

Pr. Yunus Nobel Peace Prize Laureate -

Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus reminds us that technologies are not problem-solvers per-se but need to be integrated with a social-business approach (reminder, social-business = pursuing social goals and profit at the same time).

By the way, Prof. Yunus just published his new book A World of 3 zeros : 0 poverty, 0 net carbon emission, 0 unemployment.

#2 — “To be inclusive, technology needs to be coded by a diversity of people, not only by techies in London or NYC

Mariéme Jamme — IamTheCode founder —

The Africa-based projects trains thousands of young girls and boys around the planet to build software solutions through hackathons and courses. Marianne said it frankly : “Ensuring that everyone has the ability to be a technologist is the only way to make Technology serve the common good”.

#3 — “We need more collaboration between technologists and activists!”

Ionana Theodorou, refugees protection activist

Ionana works on the ground to help refugees in Greece (Watch our awarded documentary about their journey). She engaged in a conversation with two Blockchain experts, Thomas G. Rush from Consensys, and Thibaut Favre from LaPrimaire, on how Blockchain technology can solve formal identification issues and cash transfer for refugees.

This resonates strongly with our MakeSense technology education program we run in Paris.

The event in NYC was the start of a global mobilisation for the MakeSense community and its partners : education and innovation programs to build inclusive and impactful technology.

Join us and be part of our event a Web Summit Lisbon

Community-building + Disruptive Technologies + Social-Business = Achieving the Global goals




makesense est une communauté internationale de citoyens, d’entrepreneurs et d’organisations qui résolvent ensemble les défis sociaux et environnementaux