Collecting Waste in Lebanon

3 min readMar 12, 2016
Credits: Zbeleh bala 7oudoud

After stepping out of our throne for a waste mountain that turned into a green mountain of possibly toxic or radioactive forms of life, CNN backed up our award for the longest trash river record.

Is Lebanon’s trash going away?

Zbeleh bala 7oudoud, an amazing initiative started by two friends Meher and Rami, is collaborating with Recycle Lebanon, another amazing initiative launched by a friend Joslyn, to clean up the shorelines every Saturday. This project is merely an initiative to get ready for the summer and UNDO all of the cleaning, but it is rather a project to protect the marine life and keep our sea as clean as we can possibly do.

The scouts mobilized to #DiveintoAction and clean up the beach at Les Residences de La Mer. /Credits: Joslyn @ Recycle Lebanon.

This video, produced by the What Took You So Long? film makers, depicts the Lebanese reckless behavior facing this health-challenging issue that is growing in Lebanon by the second.

Collecting waste is like erasing a spelling mistake. One day, we will run out of erasers, so we also need to stop producing waste.

Our waste consumption behavior hasn’t changed much from September 2015.

So what are you waiting for?

Be part of a change with your friends or join us on your own to solve the waste crisis in Lebanon by helping existing initiatives, creating new ones, organizing educational seminars and workshops for everyone. MakeSense provides full support and training to help you lead the change.

We want to see the change happening ba2a!

Contact me at, we’re going to get our hands DIRTY for the job!

Stay Updated by joining our Lebanon FB group,

and here’s the official MakeSense page to follow!

join Future of Waste, a MakeSense program focusing on waste with the active support of SUEZ at

Through your engagement, we can all make a difference together.

Elsa is helping the MakeSense community to grow in Lebanon and the MENA region.
She is working with volunteers in different cities to get citizens involved in solving social startups’ challenges. If you’re a social entrepreneur or want to help one, get in touch with her at




makesense est une communauté internationale de citoyens, d’entrepreneurs et d’organisations qui résolvent ensemble les défis sociaux et environnementaux